Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Definition, Signs and Symptoms:
IBC is a less common type of breast cancer which usually presents with signs and symptoms that more closely resemble a benign breast infection like Mastitis than a serious presentation of breast cancer. To learn more about the definition of IBC and the unique signs and symptoms in English and numerous other languages, please click on the following underlined words: Definition and Signs and Symptoms.
News Reports and Videos about IBC:
Seattle, Washington's KOMO 4 NEWS has produced an insightful news report about IBC called: 'The Silent Killer: Inflammatory Breast Cancer'. KOMO stated: 'to read Michelle Esteban's story and to view the video, go to our IBC site at http://www.komotv.com/ibc/ We encourage you to e-mail the link to whoever you'd like, but please use the http://www.komotv.com/ibc/ link in your e-mail.' Over 10 million hits have occurred so far, and with your help, many more people will learn about IBC for the first time and lives will be saved. The following webpage can be used to email your friends: email the IBC story and video. Columbia, South Carolina's News 19 WLTX has also produced an insightful news report about IBC at: http://www.wltx.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=40060 which can be shared with your friends and relatives to educate them about IBC.
Screening Methods for IBC:
IBC is often not identified through mammograms and ultrasounds. Normally a biopsy is required. Click Biopsies for more detailed information about the various types of biopsies that may be used and click Imaging for the imaging devices like CT scans, bone scans, MUGA scans and others that may be used for diagnosis and staging. IBC is Stage IIIb or IV. Click Staging to learn more about what Stage IIIb and Stage IV mean in relation to other Stages of breast cancer.
Standard Treatments for IBC:
One of the unique features of IBC is that patients normally will receive chemotherapy before they receive surgery or radiation. This chemotherapy shrinks the tumor so that surgery is more successful. Click on Chemotherapy to learn more about the various chemotherapy agents and other drugs that are used and their side-effects and the type of Surgery including information about implanted ports - and information about Radiation that is normally used for IBC.
IBC Forum:
IBC patients and their friends and relatives and medical professionals can have their questions answered, view valuable information about this disease and communicate with each other on the IBC Forum.
IBC Registries:
IBC patients can contribute to research on this serious disease by participating in the George Washington University Medical Center's IBC Registry and/or the Tufts/New England Medical Center's IBC Registry. More information about each IBC Registry is available on the following webpage: IBC Registries.
Site Map:
Click on the Site Map to more easily view the extensive information available about Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
Website Search Engine:
Click on the following word to Search on this website for specific information available about Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
Survivors Stories:
With better treatments and earlier recognition, IBC patients are living longer and healthier lives. Click on Survivors Stories to read some of the inspiring stories of long-term survivors and other Patients Stories to read about IBC patients who have been diagnosed more recently and learn how you can submit your inspiring story.
Free eCards:
eCards are greeting cards that can be sent by e-mail to encourage patients, thank family and friends, notify people about your Patient's or Survivor's website, or just wish a Happy Holiday. Click on IBC eCards to fill out and send your cards.
Many IBC patients who have succumbed to this disease are honored on our Memorial Site. We refer to them as our Pathfinders. Click on the Memorial Site to view their poignant websites and to add your loved one's Memorial site to the List.
IBC E-mail Help List:
IBC patients and their friends and relatives and medical professionals belong to a very helpful IBC e-mail list where they can share information and emotional support from each other. Click on the IBC Email List to subscribe to this supportive list.